
New, and all over town.

Well, hey there. For a while, I've been wanting my own blog, it didn't matter what it was on, I just wanted a blog. A few months ago, I was able to do just that. Unfortunately, the blog was unable to measure up to the standards I wanted it to be at. Sad times. So, after months of pondering and faffing around, here's my new blog. Now, I'm still fairly new to all of this jazz, and I'm still trying to set up this blog the way I want to. Not as easy as I thought it would be.

The name of my blog, is well, how do I put it? Awkward. Yes, yes I know, but hey, I was inspired by the most random of things. I spent a while coming up with a name which I thought was quirky yet interesting...and alas! 'Chewing my Lips' was what I came up with. Well, at least I think it's an interesting name, but I don't really know about you, though. I came up with this name whilst I was literally, chewing my lips. Yes, I tend to do that - bad habit. Also, the name shares a close tie with one of my favourite electro-indie bands; "Chew Lips". I was inspired, ever so slightly. Hmmm.

This blog will be focusing on my quest to find myself, who I really am, what I really am. The blog will revolve around my journey to self discovery - especially when it comes to fashion and style. Now and then I will rant about how baffling and unfair life can be for a teenager - but only sometimes. The blog will showcase my likes and dislikes on various things such as music, but especially around the world of fashion. Yes, this is like my own personal diary to a certain extent. I will be highlighting on what to me, is one of the most important factors of, and in my life; my sense of style.

Let's see where all of this blogging takes me, wish me the best!